PR agency for EMERGING tech

Building newsworthy stories for tech visionaries.

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What We Can Do For You

we can help you with

These are the services that clients usually come to us for

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Brand Building

We help you create a memorable identity around your brand that evokes emotions and values surrounding your company.

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pr strategy

We strategize press plans to deliver the best message for your target audience through the right channels.

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media relations

We introduce your awesome project to our network of journo friends.

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speaking opps

We help you boost your profile by getting you on panels, podcasts, and other multimedia channels.

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Thought Leadership

We help maximize your brand’s credibility through thought leadership consultation and opinion articles.

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Event Management

We help you turn your vision into reality through hosted meetups and promotional events that are planned and booked by us.

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speaking opps

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brand building

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Thought Leadership

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Event management

About Us

what we do

We're a team of passionate tech journalists who thrive on uncovering the stories others overlook. We're drawn to companies that embrace innovation, drive impact, and aspire to lead their industries.

Our commitment to authentic, data-driven storytelling sets us apart, as we refuse to resort to clickbait tactics. We believe that the best PR emerges when we delve into the uncharted territory, fearlessly discussing industry topics others avoid.

Join us on a journey where authenticity meets innovation, and let's create narratives that redefine your brand's industry presence.

our values



We embrace uniqueness, vulnerability, and diversity in and out of the workplace.



We believe honesty is the best policy and are open about our goals, objectives, and performance.



We don’t shy away from being outspoken, creative, and bold with our ideas and campaigns.

our partners


Frontier wallet


GoodganG Labs

ETh Barcelona


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Frontier Wallet
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DAO Tokyo

our partners

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Frontier Wallet
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DAO Tokyo

Ready to make raves?

Lets Work Together

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We are a PR agency offering a full-service digital media solution to EV, Web3, and fintech pros.

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